Project: Projecting Fractals onto the Riemann Sphere

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Click to see gallery of full-sized images…


Having explored many of the classic (and not classic) representations of the Mandelbrot Set, I wanted to create more 3D representations of the fractal - and after happening upon this video, I knew that I wanted to further explore Riemann Sphere projections. This visualization can show both the classic and inverse Mandelbrot at the same time, and provided me with a new way to visualize those fractals I had previously generated. While I’ve added some images here that showcase this visualization, a more expansive gallery with animations can be found here given that it is more difficult to visualize dynamic 3D objects as a static image.


The Classic Mandelbrot Set

The Classic Mandelbrot Set

A Classic Julia Set, Centered at (-0.77604, -0.120879)

A Classic Julia Set, Centered at (-0.77604, -0.120879)

A Classic Julia Set, Centered at (-0.516976, 0.591258)

A Classic Julia Set, Centered at (-0.516976, 0.591258)

The Lambda Set

The Lambda Set

7-Fold Burning Ships, Offset by (6,1)

7-Fold Burning Ships, Offset by (6,1)


Project: Visualizing Julia Set Matings


Project: Visualizing Julia and Mandelbrot Sets