Project: Generating Fractal Geometry
During the development of my PlotEquation plugin, I was introduced to self-similar mathematical objects known as fractals. Unlike the explicit expressions I was used to, which iterate through space to see where the function is satisfied, these objects are generated by recursively iterating a set of user-defined rules. Given the limitless variety in fractal objects and that their beauty cannot be emulated with explicit expressions, I expanded the scope of my plugin to include fractal objects as well. A more expansive gallery with more kinds of fractal geometry can be found here.
• Naming Key: Fractal Name (Iteration #): Specifications
• Note that “Filled” refers to the filling of the central polygon for Sierpinski objects.
Koch Curve (6); Angle: 60°, Type: I
Koch Curve (6); Angle: 85°, Type: I
Koch Curve (5); Angle: 85°, Type: II
Koch Curve (5); Angle: 85°, Type: III
Koch Curve (5); Angle: 45°, Type: I
Koch Curve (5); Angle: 45°, Type: II
Koch Curve (5); Angle: 45°, Type: III
Koch Curve (5); Angle: 15°, Type: I
Koch Curve (5); Angle: 15°, Type: II
Koch Curve (5); Angle: 15°, Type: III
Koch Snowflake (5); Sides: 3, Angle: 60°, Type: I
Koch Snowflake (5); Sides: 3, Angle: 60°, Type: II
Koch Snowflake (5); Sides: 3, Angle: 60°, Type: III
Koch Snowflake (5); Sides: 3, Angle: 45°, Type: II
Koch Snowflake (5); Sides: 4, Angle: 45°, Type: III
Koch Snowflake (5); Sides: 5, Angle: 30°, Type: II
Koch Snowflake (5); Sides: 5, Angle: 80°, Type: III
3D Koch Snowflake (5): Cube Method
3D Koch Snowflake (5): Delta Method
Sierpinski Triangle (5)
Inverse Sierpinski Triangle (5)
Sierpinski Triangle (7)
Inverse Sierpinski Triangle (7)
Sierpinski Triangle (10)
Inverse Sierpinski Triangle (10)
Sierpinski Triangle (6); Skewed
Inverse Sierpinski Triangle (6); Skewed
Sierpinski Triangle (5); Filled
Sierpinski Square (5)
Sierpinski Pentagon (5)
Sierpinski Pentagon (5); Filled
Sierpinski Hexagon (5)
Sierpinski Hexagon (5); Filled
Sierpinski Heptagon (5)
Sierpinski Heptagon (5); Filled
Sierpinski Octagon (5)
Sierpinski Octagon (5); Filled
Sierpinski Dodcagon (5)
Sierpinski Dodecagon (5); Filled
Sierpinski Tetrahedron (5)
Inverse Sierpinski Tetrahedron (5)
Sierpinski Tetrahedron (10)
Sierpinski Tetrahedron (5); Skewed
Sierpinski Pyramid (5)
Sierpinski Pyramid (5); Skewed
Sierpinski Octahedron (5)
Inverse Sierpinski Tetrahedron (10)
Inverse Sierpinski Tetrahedron (5); Skewed
Sierpinski Pyramid (7)
Sierpinski Pyramid (7); Skewed
Sierpinski Octahedron (7)
Sierpinski Octahedron (5); Skewed